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May you find inspiration and healing for your own path 𓆣


Sacred Site Pilgrimages

Hello True Creators!

In this episode of the True Creator Podcast, I have with me my friend and special guest Julia Leible. â€‹

Julia is a global sacred site pilgrimage facilitator, who shares her incredible story of how this came to be, her priestess lineage connection, and guidance for those of you who are also feeling called to reawaken these knowings within. 


Sacred Codes of Egypt

Hello True Creators! My incredible friend Julia Leible our guest on this episode, bringing  sacred teachings from her recent journey through the pyramids of Egypt.


Embody the Priestess Code - Wie du deine Urweiblichkeit lebst

Was bedeutet es eigentlich, den Weg der Priesterin zu gehen?

In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Julia - modern day priestess und medicine woman - über ihre transformativen Erfahrungen während der Earth Medicine Priestess Ausbildung und ihrer anschließenden Pilgerreise nach Ägypten mit 27 anderen Frauen.

Lass dich inspirieren, wie du mit deiner eigenen tiefsten Essenz in Verbindung trittst und diese durch Body Mind & Soul zum Ausdruck bringst!

Viel Freude! Deine Inga


Book list

In this book list, I have carefully curated sources that have helped and held me throughout my own journey of awakening and becoming a vessel of the divine feminine.

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