Avalon Rose Pilgrimage
01 - 07 September 2023
I invite you to join me on this life-altering adventure
𓆃 An initiation into your own heart to activate its infinite capacity to vibrate at the frequency of unconditional love
𓆃 An awakening into the deeper gnosis and truth of your own soul & heart
𓆃 A homecoming into intimate re-connection with yourself and the web of life
𓆃 A healing exchange of medicine as the sacred places vibrate alive within your cells
𓆃 A feeling of being resourced and grounded as we co-create with the land and the elementals through ritual and ceremony
Earth keepers, herbalists, medicine women, priestesses - Avalon is summoning you!
The holy isle is calling forth those who remember her and those who are ready to activate her medicine within!
The region of Glastonbury in the South of England is known to be the Heart and the Third Eye Chakra of the Earth. As it holds the blueprint codes of the High Heart, you will feel the strong vibration of unconditional love streaming through your own heart when there. A significant crossroads of leylines where the masculine (the mind) and the feminine (the heart-womb) forces unite to bring forth a revolutionary consciousness to what it means to live a life in deep connection and trust.
It is also here where the gates to the mystical isle of Avalon, an ancient multidimensional portal, place of worship, pilgrimage, initiation and grail mythos open to reveal to you the mystery of becoming a tuning fork for the frequency of love!

What is this pilgrimage about?
The holy lands of Avalon hold a myriad of encodings throughout the entire landscape. Mystery teachings of Mary Magdalene, the Rose Priestess Lineage as well as the Brotherhood of Light are waiting for you to be remembered, awakened and inhaled into your flesh and bones!
Throughout the entire pilgrimage, you will be held, guided and supported by our intimate sisterhood circle, the goddess guides of the pilgrimage and the land, the Devas of the elementals and the Sacred Sites.
𓆃 When you remember that you are part of the web of life, you can lean into a deeper connection that is in turn supporting a rooted sense of trust within yourself and in life!
𓆃 Inviting ritual & ceremony into your life, opens you up for the magick of the moment, the beauty of life itself and amplifies your intentions with devotion as you bring them out into the universe
𓆃 Taking time to re-connect with your body in nature, your heart & soul feels nourishing, your body opens, becoming the grail to be filled up to the brim
𓆃 Walking this ancestral pilgrimage path activates your own blueprint encodings with regards to your mission, your medicine and the embodiment of your divine feminine nature
𓆃 Learning how to commune with the elementals, the sacred wells, the trees, maybe crop circles if we are lucky, leads you to the understanding of the all connectedness and leaves you with a stronger stand in the ebb and flow of life, the changing of the cycles and seasons
𓆃 Making space outside your busy schedules and making yourself a priority, you connect to yourself to your feminine essence and just allow yourself to be whoever you want to be!
𓆃 Being part of a circle of women creates a strong bond of connection, trust and support free from judgement and conventions
The space is limited to 5 courageous women who are ready to step on this path!
Being on pilgrimage is a homecoming to self and soul!
There are many layers to embarking on a pilgrimage, a quest for self and search of deeper truth lying within your own self.
That which you are experiencing in your inner emotional and mental landscape is often reflected in the experiences that are presenting for you outwardly and vice versa.
Often the journey begins even before we embark on the actual pilgrimage. Pay attention to the synchronicities in your life that amplify and lead up to your unique experience.
Be prepared that this quest will change the way you live in the most intricate way to expand your capacity of receiving and giving love, the most needed medicine on this planet right now.
Sacred Sites & Activities
The Tor
Gog & Magog
The Glastonbury Abbey
Wandering the Michael and the Mary Leyline
Glastonbury Town
Bride´s (Brigid´s) Mound
The Red Springs & The White Springs
The Chalice Well Gardens
Incense Making Workshop in the Magdalene Chapel
West Kennet long Barrow & Avebury Standing Stones
Stonehenge Heritage Site (VIP Access within the stone circle)
Camelot Castle & Merlin´s Cave
Enchanted Forest & Sacred Bathing Pool of the Kings
Outline of the schedule
01 September
* Arrival to our cozy B&B in Glastonbury: 14:00 - 15:00 pm
02 September - 06 September
* Breakfast
* Mornings: Grail Hunt at Sacred Sites & Grail Mystery Teachings
* Picnic Lunch
* Afternoons: Grail Hunt at Sacred Sites & Grail Mystery Teachings
* Dinner
* Evenings: Integration Time/ Sharing Circles
07 September
* Breakfast
* Departure from Tintagel: 11:00 am -12:00 pm
Important Logistics:
🜂 Nearest Airports: Bristol or London
🜁 Please plan to arrive a day earlier or in time on the day of pilgrimage initiation to allow yourself to settle in comfortably
🜃 Please beware we will be starting the pilgrimage in Glastonbury and ending the pilgrimage in Tintagel
🜄 Personal elongations of the stay can be booked individually as per your needs and requirements
☉ Examplatory daily schedule and a packing list will be provided upon registration
🜂 Personal practice is encouraged in the early morning or late evening hours
🜃 Please note that there might be changes to the schedule as we let ourselves be guided by the land, the goddess and the dynamic of the group.
What is included?
Included in the program
☉ 2 Preparation Calls prior, 1 Integration Call after the pilgrimage via Zoom
🜂 VIP Group access to Stonehenge Heritage Site including inner circle access at day break
🜁 Day visit to Avebury and Long Barrow, the oldest stone circle in the world and landscape of the Goddess
🜃 Visit of the Glastonbury Tor, Abbey and other holy places around Glastonbury
🜄 Entry to Chalice Well Gardens, Red & White Springs
☉ Wandering the Mary and Michael lines, sacred masculine and feminine coming together in holy union
🜂 Private Access to the White Springs
🜁 Private Access to the Magdalene Chapel
🜃 Magdalene Incense Making Workshop
🜄 Flower Essences and Vibrational Essence Making Workshop
☉ Tintagel, Castle of King Arthur & his Knights of the Round Table
🜂 Visit of Merlin´s Cave and sacred bathing pools of the Kings & Priestesses
What else is included?
🜂 Accommodation of 6 nights in rooms of double occupancy
🜁 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, non-alcoholic drinks during meals, snacks
🜃 Transfer to Stonehenge & Avebury Standing Stones
🜄 Transfer from Glastonbury to Tintagel
☉ Facilitation of all on-site activities, rituals and ceremonies in English
🜄 Daily mystery teachings of the Rose Lineage, the Magdalenes and other divine feminine guides that want to come through
☉ Daily sharing/ integration circle
🜁 An embodied experience of the mystery that will support you on your awakening journey
🜃 An intimate space of trust, connection and sisterhood
What is not included?
🜂 Airfare to and from England
🜁 Transfer to and from Airport
🜃 Any additional snacks or drinks you would like to consume during the day
🜄 Personal consultation or treatments; can be booked in addition upon request and if time allows.
Your sacred invest for this journey of a lifetime is: 3´333.- €.
Payment Terms: Until 31 July, a deposit of 30% is due upon booking, the remaining amount will be due four weeks later.
After 31 July the full amount is due upon booking.
Payment plans are available on request. All sales are final, no refunds granted.
Please click below to submit your application.
If you are not sure if this is for you, I invite you to schedule a discovery call with me.
I so welcome you on this journey into the mist and mysteries of Ynys Afallach, the holy Isle of Avalon!
With love